Sunday, April 9, 2023

Want BOULDERS For SHOULDERS? Do these...

There are 3 exercises that I recommend for anyone who wants to turn those puny shoulders into real BOULDERS! These 3 exercises are:
  1. Strict Overhead Press
  2. Lu Raise
  3. Facepull
Let me elaborate.

1. Strict Overhead Press

The strict overhead press is the definitive test of front and side delt strength. It is used by both powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters as a means of increasing their pressing strength. This exercises is an efficient way to load the front and side delts through their anatomical function: shoulder flexion. In addition, this exercise involves elbow extension and upward scapular rotations, which grows the triceps and trapezius muscle. 

Although I mention the strict overhead press specifically, there are other vertical press variations that work just as well. For example, the AD Press (also known as the anterior-deltoid press) is basically a seated overhead press, and allows for greater stability and a slightly better hypertrophy stimulus. Overhead presses done with specialty bars like the trap bar could also work well for developing that front delt. 

You could also try a specialization phase where you increase your OHP frequency and vary the loads, and eventually peak and hit a PR. This will certainly blow up those front delts! I recommend you have one session where you ramp up to a heavy set of 1-3 reps, a secondary session where you do 4 sets of 4-6 reps, and a tertiary session where you do 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

2. Lu Raise

The Lu raise is essentially an extended range-of-motion lateral raise. This exercise is better than regular lateral raises for two reasons. Firstly, the Lu raise engages the scapula/upper back muscles. This will increase the size of the upper back and especially those upper traps. Secondly, the Lu raise can help in strengthening your shoulders and can benefit your overhead position. Due to the scapular engagement and extended ROM, the Lu raise creates a more stable overhead position and works as a prehab/rehab tool for bulletproof shoulders! This will help both powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters. For me, this exercise leaves my shoulders screaming and it has also built some serious mass on my traps!

This exercise can be done with plates or dumbbells, but I recommend dumbbells for most people since it allows for easier progression. I recommend you do rest-pause style training with this exercise.

The legendary Olympic weightlifter Lu Xiaojun, of whom this exercise was named after, performing Lu raises with plates.

3. Facepull

The facepull is a superior rear delt exercise! The reason for this is that it involves BOTH functions of the rear delt; namely shoulder extension and shoulder external rotation. This exercise also recruits the traps, rhomboids and rotator cuffs and leads to a strong as HELL upper back! 

This exercise is best done with higher reps; around 10-20 reps per set. I recommend you either use a cable station or resistance band. I also recommend you lay on the floor with a high attachment; I find this provides a better "feeling" to the movement and leads to more hypertrophy. Also, you can hold the fully contracted position for 1-2 counts. If you can't do this exercise for some reason, rear delt flyes and band pull aparts are also great.

So there you have it! It is reasonably easy to employ all 3 of these exercises into a standard program, and by staying consistent with these exercises you are GUARANTEED to built Indian Jones-type boulders for those shoulders!


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