Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Do 1 rear delt exercise for every vertical press that you do. Also, do 1 rear delt exercise for every lateral raise/lateral delt exercise you do. 

This is an idea I learnt from Sam Shethar (Shethar Training on YT). Training the rear delts is such as important aspect of maintaining shoulder health, stability and aesthetics that neglecting them is an easily avoidable mistake. Training those rear delts will make your overhead press AND your bench presses feel much better and stable, especially in the bottom positions. Also, having strong rear delts also prevents injuries in these deep end ranges, and this could be very helpful for those with rotator cuff pain/injury. 

Also, building the rear delts can make your more 💫AESTHETIC💫. The rear delt adds the missing 3D look to your shoulder whilst also pushing the lateral delt forward, masking it look bigger. Skipping rear delts is what causes a half-developed shoulder muscle and terrible posture.

The rear delts grow best when they are punished over and over again. So do high frequency. Following the recommendation that I have given at the start is perfect for balancing the front, side and rear head of the delts. Here are my favourite exercises for the rear delts:

  1. Incline IYT Raise
  2. Facepull
  3. Powell Raise
  4. Upper Back Inverted Row
  5. Rear Delt Flye (Machine Or Cable)
I think you should do rear delt work at least 3x a week. Like I said, these types of exercises respond very well to high frequency and high volume, so really just go ham with these. You may also notice that these rear delt exercises also double as upper back exercises. This is good! This means your upper back also becomes stronger, which helps in basically every lift! Do these exercises for 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps at the end of upper body and/or lower body sessions. You can use rest-pause methods with these exercises or superset them with overhead presses or bench presses.

- Hawtsauce

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