Thursday, July 6, 2023

Pre-Workout Core Training

Train you core before you start your workouts! Why? Because these core exercise also double as drills which can improve your ability to brace, which is a highly underrated skill requirement to be successful in any strength sport. These exercises won't necessary get you a six pack or grow your core musculature, but they will increase proprioception and your ability to "feel" your core and brace better in compound lifts.

So what do I recommend you do. I think you should start each workout with at least 1 exercise for the anti-extension function of the core, and at least 1 exercise for the anti-rotational/anti-lateral flexion functions of the core. I would recommend to start off with front planks and side planks respectively. But you could also do birds dogs, curl ups (part of the McGill Big 3 Back Rehab Protocol) and dead bugs. Do these movements for no longer than 3 minutes total before you start every workout, and even on rest days! These number of sets and reps you do doesn't really matter on these types of exercises; just do the movements. Also, adding weight is an option here, but I don't really think it is necessary to practice bracing. For example, instead of adding weight to planks, just do harder variations. Do planks with only one hand on the ground, with only one leg on the ground, bird dog version or the superman version. Hollow holds are also really good.

The main point with this is just don't do them sporadically. The benefits with these only come when you do them at a high frequency, so try to do them every single day. Core bracing is a forgotten art in this era of lifting, and it ought to have more attention!

- Hawtsauce

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