Sunday, September 10, 2023

Machines VS Free Weights - THE FINAL ANSWER

I was recently asked by some friends to write a post on whether or not I think machines or free weights are more efficient to use when training for maximum athleticism.

Well, the answer is obviously free weights.

When's the last time you saw an olympic weightlifting using machines as a primary form of training. When's the last time you saw a boxer or football player using a machine as a primary form of muscle growth or power production. When's the last time you've seen a track and field athlete use machines to improve there numbers on the field? Your answer to these 3 questions is definitely a long time ago.

Athletes favour free weights as they build skill, coordination, strength, power and muscle like no machine. Free weight lifts are the basis of every strength sport (powerlifting, strongman AND weightlifting), and high level athletes in football, basketball or any other sport prefer free weight, compound lifts like power cleans to boost their athleticism. Machines have a place in training, but only after the hard and heavy free weight stuff has been completed. I think machines have value in providing a high stimulus to fatigue ratio. I personally do tons of machine rows and triceps work with cables, but this is done AFTER I have already completed my primary work on free weights.

Sorry for the short post, but I had the end this debate.

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