Monday, September 25, 2023

Why I do not coach team sports

You may have noticed that the sports I specialize in coaching (namely weightlifting, powerlifting, climbing, track and field, and martial arts) are all individual sports. Why don't I coach team sports? 

2 reasons:

Reason 1: I don't really coach sports in general! Instead, I prefer to coach physical qualities. 

Sports are part of the entertainment industry. They were created by humans as a form of entertainment, and the sport industry profits mainly through selling tickets to audiences. Therefore, sports are in a way artificial. They don't actually help us in day to day life, other than providing some small and indirect stimulus. Here, I'm talking about mainly mainstream team sports. Think soccer, American football, basketball, baseball, hockey, cricket and tennis. These sports are played purely for the entertainment of others. They don't really help us move better or become much fitter. Instead, these mainstream sports require hyper-specialization. In this sense, I consider training for mainstream sports a somewhat shallow pursuit. Also, most mainstream sports do not have any smart programming methods or periodization associated with them, which makes coaching these sports pretty difficult. 

The same CANNOT be said for some of the sports I coach. Sports like weightlifting and track & field have HUGE carryover to basically every sport. If a football player can increase their Olympic lifts and 40 yard dash, they can GREATLY improve their performance on the field! Even an average person can benefit from a weightlifting program: like when they have to help a buddy move to a new house or to help their mom with the shopping. Sports I coach like boxing, weightlifting and climbing develop PHYSICAL QUALITIES (like the ability to punch, to kick, to life off the floor, to climb) which playing sports do NOT develop adequately! Playing a hyper-specialized team sport like basketball only makes you better at basketball. But getting better at a sport like weightlifting and boxing helps so much more in life, whilst also carrying over to other sports. 

Reason 2: It's easy to blame other people.

In an individual sport like boxing, you have no one to blame but yourself. In team sports, it's way too easy to blame a defeat on a teammate not pulling their weight. In an individual sport, we are able to pinpoint exactly what went wrong and why it went wrong. In this sense, coaching individual sports is much easier and impactful than coaching a team sport.

So that is why I do not coach team sports! However, I can still help you get better at your sport. If your sport is heavily based on strength and speed, you can check out my sprinting and lifting programs. If your sport is dependent more on jumping, you can check out my athlete and vertical jump programs. These programs develop the necessary skills in the athlete, which will carry over to almost any endeavor! 

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