Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Full Week of Training Programming: Day 1!!

After not posting on this god forsaken blog, I thought I would take you through a week in my training, whilst I complete the Goggins program (which you can eventually find here). 

So, day 1 of training. I have 2 sessions today: the AM session is lifting, the PM session is bouldering. 

AM Session: Primary deadlifts

In the morning I hit my primary deadlift training session. Here's what the basic workout looks like right now (in order of execution):

1. Jump Squats - 4-6 x 4-6

2. Snatch - ramp up to single

3. Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x AMRAP

4. Front Squat - 4 x 6

5. Conventional Deadlift - ramp up to single, 3 backoff sets

6. Seated Leg Curl  3 x 10-12

Let's go through this. I first start with a general warmup. My current warmup is 10 minutes of cardio, couch stretch, pigeon stretch, back extensions, band facepulls, and spending 3-5 mins in a deep squat. I start the workout with jump squats since they are the most explosive movement in the list and they are a good warmup for the rest of the workout. I keep the weight light on these, usually around 10% of my back squat max. These help increase the vertical jump. Then I do snatches because I hate my life. Then I do hanging leg raises since they warmup my core before I do heavy squats and deadlifts, and doing them helps me brace harder. Then I do front squats as my secondary squat variation. Then I do my primary deadlifts, which in this case is the conventional deadlift. Then I end the session with my accessory for the day, in this case seated leg curls. I would usually rotate between these and weighted back extensions every cycle. About 2 hrs in total.

PM Session: Climbing

Here is my climbing session for the day:

1. Near max boulders

2. 4 x 4

3. Weighted boulders

4. Campus board lunges

5. Campus laddering

6. 7-53 fingerboarding protocol

So, I warmup by doing some arm swings and tendon gliders, and then I would do a very easy boulder (V3). I start by working up to a near maximal boulders, within 3 grades of my max, and I would do 3-6 unique climbs of this boulder, trying to find new routes. Then I would do a 4 x 4, which is basically 4 boulders done back to back 4 times. Then I would do some bouldering weighted, focusing on skill moves rather than unique routes. Then I would do some accessories. First, working on the campus board by doing lunges and laddering to build power. Then I finish off the session with the 7-53 fingerboarding protocol (7 secs on, 53 secs off). I recommend all beginners DO NOT do fingerboarding since you will injure yourself; just spend more time actually climbing. After the fingerboarding, my hands ache and I want to kill myself, so I end the session there. About 2 hrs in total as well.

- Prem

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