Saturday, December 2, 2023

In Defense Of Bodybuilding

I hear many people shit on bodybuilding. They claim the "sport" is really just a "beauty" pageant. Well, I'm not here to debate that point. But I am here to REMIND you of how important bodybuilding is for EVERYONE.

Strength is determined by 2 things: Neurological efficiency and cross-sectional area of muscle fibre. Basically, this means strength relies on how efficient your muscle memory is, and how big your muscles are. Well, what helps us get big muscles? Bodybuilding!!!! 

Bodybuilders have spend decades perfecting the art of growing big muscles. I myself take many bodybuilding tactics and implement them in my own programs, even though I train for strength! If you are a powerlifter, the best way to increase your bench press is to get a massive chest and massive triceps (this applies to most trainees, some advanced lifters may just need more specificity). If you are a sprinter, a good way to get faster at sprinting is to get some bigger glutes and some bigger hamstrings. How should you grow these muscles? I don't know, maybe by doing some bodybuilding training!!!!

Point is, if you want to get good at anything physical, you have to focus on growing the relevant muscles. And the best way to do this is by using the methods that bodybuilders have perfected. So stop shitting on bodybuilding.

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