Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Training Multiple Times a Day (SPOILER: Not a good idea)

I recently stumbled on a post on Youtube claiming that a certain collegiate American football player trained 3 times a day: 1 strength session, 1 track session and 1 session of reciever training. My immediate thought was; damn, this guy must have some elite genetics to still be walking on two feet. 

Here's what I mean. I know many people who read my blogs play some sport, and many people want to play their sport as well as get stronger and bigger in the gym. So, it is somewhat necessary for these kind of people to train more than once a day. 

I think training more than once a day should be AVOIDED at all costs. The reality is, when it comes to almost any physical endeavor, more is NOT ALWAYS better!! You would be MUCH better off limiting yourself to training a maximum of once a day. If you are training hard, and training smart, your body NEEDS time to recover! Although I am an advocate of active recovery (eg. light walks every now and then), this is separate to actual hard training. If you actually train hard, you will be looking forward to those resr days when you can finally relax!! 

Also, most of you reading this have no real need to train more than once a day! If you guys just go the gym as hobbyists, having 3-5 sessions a week is PLENTY, and many top powerlifters only train 4x a week! If you train for a sport but would also like to go the gym to get bigger and stronger, play your sport 4x a week and go the gym on the 3 remaining days! If you do have multiple goals in mind, you will need to cut corners in order to make ends meet.

On a final note, if you insist on training more than once a day (I guess if you really train for numerous endeavors, or if your schedule is too restrictive), then you can get away with training 2x a day. I personally do this, and given that you eat enough, drink enough and sleep enough, it should be possible for some people (ie. people with less stress in their lives). But 2x a day is the max! Please do not train seriously more than twice a day. If you do, you WILL overtrain and could potentially get some serious injuries/diseases that will affect your long term progress. This 2x a day training can work for most people: one session in the morning and one session in the evening after work/school.

Also, if you even have the time to train more than twice a day, you're probably just unemployed. So, I don't know, maybe get a job lolz.

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