Monday, December 18, 2023

Re: Training Multiple Times a Day

I just wanted to share some new thoughts I had on this post I made.

In the post, I basically say that if you are training for multiple sports, they max you should train is twice a day, given that in each training session your are training pretty hard.

I tend to disagree with that post slightly. I do believe you can train productively up to 3x a day, but this depends on what you are training! Sports which are generally less impactful on the body/require less total time and mental capacity to train can be trained more often. A prime example of a sport like this is swimming, which is a sport that is restorative rather than punishing. As a result, I myself include swimming sometimes as the 3rd workout of the day! However, I wouldn't play basketball, for example, as my second/third training session of the day. Training basketball intensely tends to beat up the knees quite a bit, and this can and will affect recovery. Basically, one should take into account the requirements for each sport when they plan training sessions throughout the week. But I still disagree with my old post and believe that certain people, given that they program and recover correctly, can train UP TO 3x a day. I don't think I've ever met an athlete/person who trains more than 3x a day...

Now, some of you are certainly wondering; how do you even have the time to train 3x a day? The simple answer to this is: quality training should not AND does not take up much time! For example, on one of my days I do 1 weight session in the morning, 1 climbing session at night, and 1 boxing session in the evening. My weight training takes 2 hrs, my climbing takes 1 hr, and my boxing takes 1hr. That's only 4 hours in a day, which you can split into 2 hrs in the morning and 2 in the evening. Training for other sports (namely sprinting and swimming) only takes 45 minutes per session! The reality is that when you train hard and intelligently, you will realise it takes a LOT less time to put in productive training, and you WILL get tired and fatigued quickly if you truly apply yourself.

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