Sunday, December 24, 2023

PSA: Embrace The Basics

The basic are the things that work. They have been proven to work. Too often I see modern day sports performance coaches and athletes alike try to reinvent their own exercises or programming methods in order to boost (or even shortcut!) their progress.

The reality is that the basics are the best. If someone came to me with the goal of getting big legs, I would tell them to get strong at the back squat. The squat is the most basic and foundational movement for the legs, and if you can squat 2.5x your bodyweight, you're guaranteed to have tree trunk legs! People need to stop overthinking with sport training; just stick to what has been time tested!

Instead of trying to do some fancy/showy exercise, just stick to the basics. Do squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pullups, and rows. Instead of performing a laundry list of exercises in the gym, just do 4-6 hard and heavy exercises and leave! Instead of trying to create new periodisation models, stick to basic linear block periodisation, which has worked for decades! Instead of trying to cook a new 'anabolic' meal, just stick to eating basic whole foods like meat, diary, eggs and vegetables! Instead of spending hours researching recovery tools and methods, get in your bed and get a good 8hrs+ of sleep. 

The basics are the basics because they work. Don't make the mistake of overcomplicating physical training. Work hard and get after it.

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