Saturday, February 17, 2024

Training For The Megatotal (Part 1)

 Part 1: What is the Megatotal?

The Megatotal is an extension of the Supertotal. What is the Supertotal? The Supertotal is the combination of training for Olympic Weightlifting AND Powerlifting at the same time, in order to maximise results in the snatch, clean and jerk, squat, bench press and deadlift. The Megatotal is the Supertotal plus strongman; basically the jack of all strength sports! I personally train for the Megatotal and I believe it is morally superior, so I'm writing this series to show you how you too can train for the Megatotal.

In this Part 1, I want to explain how we can increase each of the individual lifts.

Firstly, the olympic lifts. Both the snatch and the clean & jerk are going to be trained 2x a week each. Going above this number will not leave any room for any other assistance work. Also, doing the lifts 3 or more times a week each is reserved more for those training solely for weightlifting. Doing them 2x a week can still ensure progress. Going any less than this will only maintain strength, not develop it. For the first weeks of the program, we full full snatch and full clean and jerk only once a week, with the other 2 times reserved for variations to work on technique.

Secondly, the powerlifts. The bench press is trained 3x a week. Going any less than this will only maintain strength for most people, and going over this is simply too much, and many top powerlifters only bench 3x a week. We will squat heavy 2x a week. Weightlifter squat more frequently, but their squats are VERY low intensity. Since we are squatting to increase the squat, we will train it heavy only 2x a week. One day we will do high bar deep squats, and the other day we will do a variation (front squat mostly, maybe SSB squat). We deadlift once a week with our competition variation (sumo or conventional off the floor). We do a much lighter deadlift variation on another day (mostly RDLs and SLDLs).

Thirdly, strongman. Strongman doesn't have any standardized lifts. But, in my opinion, there are a couple key strongman lifts that are fundamental skills every strongman should have. In this program, we have 1 slot for push presses/log presses, 1 slot for loaded carries (mostly farmer's walks and yoke walks, maybe sled drags), and 1 slot for heavy loads (stone, sandbag or keg). I also keep a slot for 'loaded hinges', which include movements where the hip hinge pattern is being loaded in an explosive matter. Think loaded jumps, heavy kettlebell swings and power throws.

Finally, accessory work. We still have room for some accessory work in this program, but we must be VERY METICULOUS in which exercises we choose and why.

So, here is a very basic template of the Megatotal program. I will add tons of more info on my subsequent posts:

Day 1Day 2 (followed by rest day)Day 3Day 4Day 5 (followed by rest day)
Hang Snatch (Knee)Power ThrowSnatchStanding Calf RaiseBench Press
Overhead PressHang Clean (Knee) + Push PressBench PressClean & JerkDumbbell Bench Press
Larsen PressFront SquatHigh Incline PressHigh Bar SquatFarmer's Walk
Weighted Chin-upConventional DeadliftLat PulldownSandbag To ShoulderBarbell Row
SkullcrusherHanging Leg RaiseWeighted DipWeighted Sit-upTricep Pressdown
Lu RaiseSeated Leg CurlFacepullRDLBarbell Curl

~ Prem

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