Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Stoicism and Training

Stoicism is incredibly valuable for training for athletics. The core principles of stoicism include disconnection from emotion and the acceptance that life is difficult and problems will always rear their heads, but that ultimately the individual can triumph. In a sense, it takes an objective approach into accomplishing tasks, and also physical training.

The essence of physical training is that you never win. Training is mundane, and at the elite level, you are constantly feeling aches, getting injured, and having suboptimal training sessions. Stoicism provides a way to approach these tasks, even when they seem boring or hard.

The times where I have stayed most consistent with my diet, mobility, and sleep as been when I've taken an almost disconnected approach to training. Disconnected from emotions or how I feel on any specific day. I recognized I had responsibilities, and shit had to be done, so I did it. Some may call it harsh, but they're not breaking records anytime soon. I believe all elite athletes (if not, most), use the philosophy of stoicism in some way or another as part of their lifestyle.

TLDR: Don't think, just do. That is the only way to stay consistent.

~ Prem

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