First of all, specificity is king. If your sport requires 'stability', then the best way you can train is is just by playing your sport more. When surfers want to be more stable surfing, they train by surfing more. Sports are not played on bosu balls. Sports are played on fields, or in the water, or on ice. It would be much better off to allocate time and resources to training your actual sport rather than wasting time on a bosu ball.
Secondly, I have never heard of ANY rehabilitation work that requires a bosu ball. I've reviewed material from Dr Aaron Horschig, Dr Stephane Gregory and Dr Stuart McGill, and I have never seen ant of them use a bosu ball in practice. Even for knee stability issues (like caving in the squat etc.), these can often be screened by doing pistol squats, hip tests and jumps. Rehabing the knees can also be done with basic exercises like tibialis squats, knee extensions, lunge isometrics, 3rd world squats etc.
Finally, I would like to make a point on credentials. Just because someone has a Masters or a PhD does NOT mean they are even moderately intelligent. Joel Seedman and Mike Israetel both have PhDs and are still retards and not highly respected in the serious strength community. Keep this in mind.
~ Prem
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