Friday, May 24, 2024

Training While Sick

I just contracted the common cold. It made me wonder how many people train whilst they are sick. Here are some general tips to maintain progress whilst you are sick.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional. This is NOT medical advice. If you have any symptoms that extend beyond the common cold, consult a medical professional.

1. Don't train. This is a pretty big mistake people make. Just don't train when you are sick. It'll take longer to fully recover and the quality of the session will not be high anyways. Just take a few days off: it's fine not to train during those days.

2. Recover. A large portion of sickness comes from stress and/or sleep deficiency. My No. 1 tip for anyone recovering from sickness is just to sleep. Plus, taking paracetamol and drinking lots of water also helps.

3. Load management. Whilst coming back to training after the sickness becomes to disappear, it's fine to skip accessories. Reducing the number of sets you do could also be a good idea.

TLDR: Don't train when sick, just sleep/

~ Prem

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