Sunday, March 17, 2024

Off Your Phone: Stay Locked In

People complain to me that their workouts take too long. I ask them if they scroll on their phone between sets. The answer is almost always yes.

Stay off your phone. Even if it is between sets, your phone will make you rest longer than you need. Just put the phone down and visualize your cues for the next set. I am not saying to workout in complete silence; you can listen to music to stay locked in. But spending too much time scrolling on Instagram, Youtube or Spotify can and will extend your rest periods to the point where your body is slightly colder when you start the next set. 

If you want to learn how to train like this, look at any old Bulgarian weightlifting training video. You will always see lifters either discussing the lifts, sitting patiently, or pacing backwards and forwards in anticipation for the next lift. This is a good way to both reduce total training time and to make training a bit more effective. I only use my phone to check my program and to check the time, and I just play my Spotify playlist in the background.

This same idea applies to life in general as well. You will find yourself saving a lot more time if you just say off your phone.

~ Prem

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