Saturday, March 2, 2024

Functionality vs. Aesthestics

There has been a debate around lifting technique recently. Should lifters lift with aesthetic technique that reduces weight, or with a not-so aesthetic technique but with heavier weights. I think it is far better for a lifter who is aiming to maximize strength to lift with heavier weights and with somewhat shittier technique.

This draws on to a wider debate: is aesthetic or functionality lift more important when it comes to sport technique. This is a post made by Squat University:

This is a fucking trash take. A 150lb difference in weight is completely negated due to the slightest breakdown in technique. And this isn't even a training lift, this is a max lift. People like Squat University will sacrifice their strength in the name of 'aesthetics', but for anyone who's goal is to actually get stronger, they will  have to understand that no max out attempt will be textbook perfect. Heck, even training lifts won't look perfect. Of course, lifters should aim to be technically proficient as much as possible, but this obsession with aesthetic technique is simply sacrificing strength.

So stop trying to make your technique good and focus on getting the fucking job done. Functionality wins.

~ Prem

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