Saturday, March 16, 2024

Mobility Development Tools vs. Mobility Tests

Just some thoughts on improving mobility:

Improving mobility means that you do mobility developmental tools, NOT mobility tests. What is a mobility test? A mobility test is something like a back bridge, a palms-to-floor, or a Apley scratch test. These can also be consider flexibility tools. The difference between mobility tools and flexibility tools is that mobility is the ability to control your joints through end ranges of motion, whereas flexibility is the lengthening of muscles for a stretch. 

Often I see people use flexibility tools like the ones I listed above to increase their mobility. For example, some people will palms to floor for 30 secs to improve hamstring mobility for the deadlift. This is not optimal. To develop mobility that transfers over to training/sport, you need to be doing mostly dynamic mobility developmental tools where your body is moving in and out of positions constantly. For example, some of my favourites are seated pancakes, where you spread your legs as far and possible and continuously reach forward. This is a mobility development tool that can help for both the squat and deadlift.

I have provided a list of good mobility developmental tools in this post.

~ Prem

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