Sunday, March 10, 2024

Optimal Training Frequency For Olympic Weightlifting

Here are some tips in programming olympic lifting for various athletes:

1. Olympic Weightlifters:

The optimal frequency for olympic lifting ranges from 4-6x a week for most regional/state/national athletes who are not insane or on drugs. Of course, those who compete at the olympics/internationally and those who are on copious amounts of steroids can and will train more than this.

4x a week should be reserved for older (above ~35 yrs of age) masters lifters or the recreational hobbyist who still wants a decent total. However, it probably won't be enough for anyone who wants to compete seriously. For more serious, younger, and natural lifters, 5-6x will probably be better. I prefer 5x a week, and I just make each of these workouts harder be increasing volume on main lifts and accessories. You could also train 6x a week, but then each individual session would need to be shorter and with less volume (~ 1.5hrs if you are snatching and cleaning every session).

2. Non-weightlifting athletes:

Team sport athletes and non-weightlifting athletes should do an easier version of the olympic lifts 2-3x a week. This easier variation will usually be a power clean due to it being very easy to learn and overload as soon as possible. Doing the lifts any less than 2x a week will reduce technical proficiency, and going any higher than 3x a week will take away valuable time that this athlete could be using to play their actual sport.

~ Prem

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