However, this DOES NOT MEAN that you train 2x a day because high level athletes are. Training 2x a day should only be done if you CANNOT FIT your training into 1 session per day. In this sense, it is a last case scenario. I find that for most younger athletes and amateur athletes, training 2x a day is not needed for them to beat their competition. Training 2x a day only become a consideration when you get to those higher levels of athletic competition.
So for all amateurs, I would say stick to training once a day. The reality is that 2x a day training really takes away from recovery and performance, and should be reserved to those who are athletes as their full time job. You are much better off training once a day, and dedicating all your energy into that one session and making it as hard and productive as possible. Basically, train smarter, not harder. More is not always better.
Here are some sample 1x a day splits for athletes in various sports:
eg. Cricket player:
Day 1: Cricket Practice
Day 2: Weights + Conditioning
Day 3:Cricket Practice
Day 4: Weights + Conditioning
Day 5: Cricket Game
Day 6: Cricket Practice
Day 7: Weights + Conditioning
eg. Combat athlete:
Day 1: Combat drills
Day 2: Weights
Day 3: Sparring
Day 4: Weights
Day 5: Combat Drills
Day 6: Weights
Day 7: Sparring
eg. Olympic Weightlifter:
Day 1: Weightlifting
Day 2: Weightlifting
Day 3: Weightlifting
Day 4: Track session w/ sprint, plyos and throws
Day 5: Weightlifting
Day 6: Weightlifting
Day 7: Track session w/ sprint, plyos and throws
~ Prem
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