Saturday, March 2, 2024

Daily Mobility Routine (PLEASE DO NOT COPY)

This is a post regarding my mobility routine that I perform daily. I think doing mobility is a must (yes, a must, not negotiable) for every athlete.

Before I give you my routine and some general tips, I really want to emphasize that you SHOULD NOT copy this routine. Why? Because this routine was made specifically for ME. I have tight wrists, a history of lower back pain, and very immobile adductors. However, someone else may have light lats and a tight T spine, so their mobility routine will look different from mine. So I beg that you read this entire post in order to gain mobility specific to you.

Here's my routine and an explanation on why I do what I do:

  1. Band Over and Outs: I do these for shoulder mobility for the squat. That's basically it. I think this is one movement basically everyone can benefit from.
  2. Planks: I do 2-3 minutes of front planks daily. This is just because anecdotally I find that doing planks every day helps with lower back pain and bracing better during training. Alec Enkiri made a video about this:
  3. Quadruped Elbow to Ceiling: Good for rotational T spine mobility. I do it to help my bench press arch.
  4. Dynamic V Sit: One of the best mobility exercises in existence. Great for hamstring and lower back mobility.
  5. Shinbox to Pigeon Stretch: The shinbox is good for hip mobility, and the pigeon stretch gives a good stretch on those glutes. I do not have a problem with glute mobility, but I may as well get in that extra stretch if I am already doing shinboxes.
  6. Wrist Wall Stretch: I put my wrist on the wall and lean onto them, getting a good stretch. I only do these for front rack mobility, which I tend to struggle with.
  7. Cossack Squats: Great developmental tool for adductor mobility. If you can do these well, then progress to the side splits.
  8. Deep 3rd World Squat: A classic. Sitting in the bottom of a squat for 5 minutes daily does wonders as far as squat, hip, knee and ankle mobility is concerned.

So that's the entire routine. It takes maybe 10 minutes total. I prefer shorter routines that you will do daily rather than complex and longer routines that you do once or twice a week. Doing these very consistently is very important for progress.

To end this post off, here are my favorite mobility exercises per body part:

  • Lats: Dead hangs, thoracic extensions
  • Shoulders: Band over and outs
  • Wrist: Wall/ground wrist stretch
  • Triceps/elbows: High rep triceps pushdowns and banded overhead triceps stretch
  • Hip Flexors: Couch stretch, first baseman stretch
  • Knees: Deep 3rd World Squat
  • Ankles: Standing calf raise, seated calf raise, tibialis raise
  • Glutes: Pigeon stretch
  • Hamstrings: Dynamic V Sit, back extensions
  • Lower Back: Foam Rolling, Dynamic V Sit
  • Adductors: Side splits, Cossack squat
  • Pecs: Pec dec, pec flies
  • T Spine: Foam rolling, quadruped elbow to ceiling, cat-camels

Choose the movements that you need and work hard on them consistently and you will see improvements in your sport performance!

~ Prem 

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