Saturday, March 30, 2024

My Technical Model For Weightlifting - Kazakhstan

People talk about technical models alot. A technical model is just the technique type that you use. Of course, technique errors are more or less universal, but when it comes to olympic weightlifting, you have some guys who emphasis aggression and a fast turnover, or some who emphasis extension with a more controlled turnover. 

My technical model for olympic weightlifting has always come from the Kazakh team. The Kazakhstani model is generally characterized by dynamics starts, a surplus of leg strength, quick lifts and a hybrid strength/speed dip and drive for the jerk. The quintessential example of this is Ilya Ilyin, the best lifter to ever exist on planet Earth

This model gets a lot of shit from the Team China fanboys. This model is based largely on the Soviet technical model, which is also very good. However, Kazakh lifters do tend to be more aggressive when lifting and less technical. But the reality is that this model is far better than those of the Americans, and especially the Chinese. The Bulgarian, South Korean and German models are honestly not bad, but lack the quicker lifting style of the Kazakhs.

~ Prem

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