Training twice a week for any sport-related goal simply is not enough work to see any meaningful progress! I often have clients try to create a program where they only train 2x a week, and that puts me in a very tough position. The reality is that for every sport that I have decent knowledge about (think weightlifting, track and field, field sports, climbing, MMA), training 2x a week will BARELY make any progress, and will usually only maintain fitness levels. I always urge clients to try to add in a 3rd session, which makes a huge difference and can actually lead to significant long term progress. Of course, if there is literally nothing you can do, training twice a week is enough. But I would much rather you have shorter sessions more frequently throughout the week.
Edit: Also, for ever sport I can virtually think of, the best training frequency is around 4-6x a week, usually towards the higher end if you actually want to compete at a higher level. 3x a week works if you are juggling multiple sports or if you are a hobbyist. But 2x a week will lead to bare bones progress, and you really should aim to get at least 3x a week in. This also applies for more physically demanding sports, like sprinting or climbing.
~ Prem
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